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Entretenimiento; Cultura popular

An adjective used to describe anything that makes one, who is completely alone, laugh at extreme volumes in an effort to draw ...


Política; Política internacional

This is a person or an entity that supports protesters who were at Rabaa Adawiya Mosque in Egypt. This mosque was a symbol for ...


Administración de negocios; Entrepreneurship

Business wisdom or wisdom underlying any business idea.


Idioma; Modismos

It is a prefix that precedes a noun meaning that it is a tiny, small, and cute thing. For example, kotycat, kotydog, and ...

queue jumping economy

Economía; Economía internacional

A queue jumping economy is an economy in which individuals are actively finding ways to get ahead in a manner similar to queue ...


Política; Políticas generales

´Wazabanga': 1. A ruthless obsession with power, money and status, which leaves no room for ethics and morality 2. The law of ...

special relativity plus

Física; Mecánica cuántica

Special relativity plus is an extension of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity (STR) concerning mass-energy ...

water manufacturing

Medio natural; Agua

Water manufacturing is the process to produce potable water by combining oxygen and hydrogen atoms together with artificial ...


Idioma; Argot

If you want to express anger in slang you may use the word "bent" here's an example : " It's OK. Don't get so bent." which means ...


Idioma; Aprendizaje de idiomas

One who closed-mindedly insists on only knowing and communicating in one language (ie, English), despite inhabiting a ...

symbol knitting

Comunicación; Comunicación escrita

Creating a figure or pattern with all kinds of punctiation marks in order to express some kind of feeling or message - used in ...

Go bananas

Idioma; Argot

Go bananas means go crazy , it's a funny way to say it but that what's used in slang , ex.I am going to go bananas if I don't ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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