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thirst watch

Relojes; Relojes de muñeca

The thirst watch is a bio-watch that is capable of measuring a person's skin moisture content and reminding him/her to take a ...


Psicología; Psicología general

An individual that studies, organizes and interprets a person's strengths and fears through the recollection of expressed words ...


General; Varios

This is when you have so much work that you decide to sleep instead. It is both the sleep part and the procrastination part, but ...


Idioma; Argot

This word is use to mean friend, or someone in your circle or friends - that is why it is referred to as "round", as in knights ...


Redes sociales; Marketing social

An extreme feeling of frustration/being fed up, with the abundance of poorly wrought memes which are posted to social ...


Entretenimiento; Cultura popular

An adjective used to describe anything that makes one, who is completely alone, laugh at extreme volumes in an effort to draw ...


Comunicaciones móviles; Teléfonos móviles

People in East Europe often use this term when they talk about Nokia 3310. Nokia 3310 was released in 2000. Phone received its ...


Internet;  Marketing en Internet

Terminization is the characterization of a term-oriented digital world in which everything seemingly revolves around terms. A ...


Idioma; Idiomas en general

Exceedingly large of its kind, huge, enormous. It initially started by my mistakenly saying trigantic instead of gigantic, and I ...


Hobbies; Crochet

It is an activity that people are doing more and more often. It comes from "window shopping" meaning that people go out just to ...

special relativity plus

Física; Mecánica cuántica

Special relativity plus is an extension of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity (STR) concerning mass-energy ...


Idioma; Aprendizaje de idiomas

In Zimbabwe this term is used to call someone or something or a situation stupid, lame, not so smart. usage "That was a ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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