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električne cigarete

E-cigarettes are battery-operated cigarettes. Depending on the version and brand, these cigarettes allow users to inhale nicotine vapor or a non-nicotine vapor solution without giving off smoke or carbon monoxide.

E-cigarettes are shaped like actual cigarettes and are usually comprised of a LED light component, a battery, a mouthpiece and an atomizer (to heat and vaporize liquid).

  • Parte del discurso: sustantivo
  • Sinónimo(s)
  • Blosario
  • Industria/ámbito: Tabaco
  • Categoría: Cigarrillos
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Industria/ámbito: Alimentación (otros) Categoría: Granos


A large ribbed (grooved), tubular pasta that is cut into segments approximately 2 to 3 inches in length.

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