Created by: paul01234
Número de Blosarios: 51
The backstabbing character who betrays a cause, a person, an ideology – traitors are generally reviled throughout the ages, even by those benefiting from their treachery. Dante punished traitors by ...
From the Tarot deck that Jung was relying on, the Fool is the character who has just started out and has absolutely no idea what they are doing – for now.
A character that initiates the entire story by setting things in motion. May not even be a character but an event or a thing whose discovery pushes the first domino, so to speak.
More commonly known as paladins, holy knights are the defenders of good and the slayers of evil everywhere, following their strict code of honor to defend what is right. Holy knights do not ...
According to Jung, the shadow is the embodiment of all the traits that a character refuses to acknowledge about themselves. This character may be the antagonist but generally the character in ...
The librarian is a character who is more knowledgeable than the rest of the characters and stays in one place, dedicating their lives to studying more and more information.
A character that contrasts another character, usually the protagonist, so that their traits come out and mark them as more unique characters compared to each other. Comes from jeweler's foil, which ...