Created by: stanley soerianto
Número de Blosarios: 107
Sizzler (fundado em 1958) é uma cadeia de restaurantes baseados nos Estados Unidos, com sede em Mission Viejo, Califórnia. É conhecida por itens de bife, frutos do mar e saladas. No final de 1970 e ...
Sizzler (založená v roku 1958) je Spojené štáty-založené Reštaurácia reťazca so sídlom v meste Mission Viejo, Kalifornia. To je známe pre steak a morské plody šalátový bar položiek. v neskorej 1970 ...
Wendy ' s on rahvusvaheline kiirtoit kett Restoran asutasid Dave Thomas 15 September 1969, Ameerika Ühendriikide Ohio, Columbus. Ettevõte otsustas staap kolida Dublin, Ohio, 29 jaanuar 2006. ...
Délifrance is a bakery company that serves "French style" bakery products in over 50 countries on five continents. It has been in operation for more than 25 years. The Délifrance brand ...
Chili's Grill & Bar is a restaurant chain founded by Larry Lavine. The chain has many casual dining restaurants, in the U.S. and Canada. The chain can also be found in 31 other countries ...
Arby's Restaurant Group, Inc. is the second largest quick-service sandwich chain in the U.S. with more than 3,400 restaurants system wide. Roark Capital Group acquired the company in July 2011 ...
Sizzler (founded in 1958) is a United States-based restaurant chain with headquarters in Mission Viejo, California. It is known for steak, seafood, and salad bar items. In the late 1970s and early ...