Created by: paul01234
Número de Blosarios: 51
Field of medicine designed to aid surgeons in keeping the patient free of pain while the surgeon takes them apart and inflicts incisions that would really hurt without anesthesia.
Field of medicine that specializes in the upkeep and healing of the problems of the heart as well as the circulatory system. This field is also vital to athletic medicine as good cardio is essential ...
Field of medicine that involves keeping as many people in the community healthy as possible by controlling epidemics, promoting healthy lifestyles, and maintaining the health of everyone before they ...
Field of medicine that develops new procedures, new cures, and new methods to healing people. Medicine is not an exact science so this is very important to healing people.
The art and science of cutting people apart and putting them back together to heal them, somewhat like how an engineer takes apart machines and puts them back together to fix them.
Field of medicine dealing with how people and individuals acquire diseases. The study is important as it deals with the prevention of more people getting diseases and spreading them.
Field of medicine dealing with the mind: the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental problems as well as their prevention. Controversial because the mind is not physical and therefore cannot ...