Created by: tula.ndex
Número de Blosarios: 51
發現在西方,害羞熊貓是介於一隻家貓和一個玩具熊,但是是食肉的浣熊家庭成員。它已具綿狀毛的橙棕色的皮毛,住在哥倫比亞和厄瓜多爾的雲霧森林。它的名字是從 'neblina',這意味著在西班牙文中的霧。據說它在晚上大多處於活動狀態,吃水果,它也在同一時間傳送一個嬰兒。 ...
Discovered in the west, the shy bear cat is a cross between a house cat and a teddy-bear, but is a member of the carnivorous raccoon family. It has woolly orange brown fur and lives in the cloud ...
Also known as Lucihormetica luckae, the glow-in-the-darkcockroach is a species of giant cockroach, which can be found in the south American mountain, Tungurahua. Its back carapace features two large ...
Unlike its relative the common hammer-head shark, The Carolina Hammerhead, named Sphyrlna Gilberti has 10 less vertibrae. It was recently discovered off the coast of South Carolina. It was found by ...
A new species of gecko leaf-tailed, and bolder dwelling frog isolated in an Australian mountain, Cape York Peninsula, are highly camouflaged. None of these had been seen before 2012, but have been ...
Discovered in the Amazon River, the Arapaima freshwater fish can, according to, breath air, and has armour like scales to survive piranha bites.