Category: Education
Created by: HelloPaola
Number of Blossarys: 2
moving on foot through a natural environment such as the forest, the beach, the mountains, etc. often related to Wanderlust, the need to be underway, preferably alone or in small groups, or the desire to enjoy, discover or research Nature and/or natural phenomena. Poets often depict hiking as an idyllic and inspiring experience.
Gre za vrsto brezciljne hoje, predvsem v naravi. Pogosto je povezana z željo po izletih oz. z željo v samoti uživati v naravi, s ciljem razumeti njene skrivnosti. Hoja po naravi za pisatelja predstavlja idilično izkušnjo.
Nature is the friend and confidante of the poet. Only in nature does he feel "at home" and free to express his inner feelings and passions. Nature reflects the state of mind of the poet through the seasons, who alone has the ability to interpret and understand its mysteries and symbols.
Narava je prijateljica in zaupnica pisatelja. Samo tukaj, v naravi se počuti "doma" in svobodnega za izražanje svojih najbolj skritih notranjih občutkov in strasti. Letni časi so pogosto zrcalo duševnega stanja pisatelja in samo on je sposoben interpretirati in razumeti skrivnosti narave in njeno simboliko.