Home > Blossary: Volcanoes


8 Terms

Created by: Georgiana Lupascu

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Molten rock, containing dissolved gases and suspended solid particles. At the Earth’s surface, magma is known as lava.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Masa de rocas fundidas de la zona más profunda de la corteza terrestre.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

A geologic process associated with upwelling rock.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Chorro de gas que precede a una erupción volcánica.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Place from which the eruption originates.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Lugar donde se origina la erupción.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Person who studies the the chemistry of the composition of the solid matter.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

persona que se dedica al estudio de la composición química de la Tierra

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

A portion of the Earth's surface that experiences volcanism.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Áreas de actividad volcánica alta en relación a sus entornos.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

A bright, silvery rare-earth metal element.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Elemento químico, metal blanco plateado.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

A soft, malleable,ductile,dense metallic element.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

Elemento químico metálico, pesado, dúctil, maleable, fusible.

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology

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