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Беда Преподобний був ченцем монастиря Святого Петра в Монквермаусі (Нортумбрія). Він добре відомий як письменник і вченийю Завдяки своїй найвідомішій роботі, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum ...
Bir parmaklık Kafesli bir ızgara ya da ahşap, metal veya ikisinin bir birleşimi geçit yaptı.
A portcullis is a latticed grille or gate made of wood, metal or a combination of the two.
The Campus Martius (Latin for the "Field of Mars"), was a publicly owned area of ancient Rome about 2 square kilometres in extent. In the Middle Ages it was the most populous area of Rome.
The Campus Martius (Latin for the "Field of Mars"), was a publicly owned area of ancient Rome about 2 square kilometres in extent. In the Middle Ages it was the most populous area of Rome.