Created by: tula.ndex
Número de Blosarios: 51
Also known as the God kind of love, Agape is a combination of Eros and Stoge, and based on selflessness. This is when the individual is willing to sacrifice anything for their partner. It is based on ...
A combination of Eros and Ludus, this type of love is an obsessive love. it usually flows out of a need to be loved by one's partner. Lovers of this sort are usually very possessive and jealous.
A combination of Ludus and Eros love, this love is based on practicality. It is a very realistic kind of love relationship. People who prefer this style approach their relationships in a "business ...
Based on friendship, this type of love grows slowly out of friendship and is based more on similar interests and a commitment to one another rather than on passion.
By: tula.ndex