Barrons Educational Series, Inc.
Industria: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 62403
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, Barron's Educational Series is a leading publisher of test preparation manuals and school directories. Among the most widely recognized of Barron's many titles in these areas are its SAT and ACT test prep books, its Regents Exams books, and its Profiles of American Colleges. In ...
To cook food gently in liquid just below the boiling point when the liquid's surface is beginning to show some quivering movement. The amount and temperature of the liquid used depends on the food being poached. Meats and poultry are usually simmered in stock, fish in court-bouillon and eggs in lightly salted water, often with a little vinegar added. Fruit is often poached in a light sugar syrup. Poaching produces a delicate flavor in foods, while imparting some of the liquid's flavor to the ingredient being poached.
Industry:Culinary arts
An intensely dark brown, syrupy-thick Indonesian sauce similar to, but with a sweeter, more complex flavor than, soy sauce. Kecap manis is sweetened with palm sugar (see jaggery) and seasoned with various ingredients, which generally include garlic and star anise. It's used in marinades, as a flavoring in various Indonesian dishes and as a condiment. Kecap manis can be found in Asian markets. Store indefinitely in a cool, dry place.
Industry:Culinary arts
1. Also called a shot or shot glass, a jigger is a small drinking glass-shaped container that usually holds about 1 1/2 ounces, but can also be a 1- or 2-ounce size. It's generally used to measure liquor. 2. The term is also used to describe the quantity of liquid such a measure holds, as in "a jigger of whiskey. "See also pony; shot.
Industry:Culinary arts
A small piece or cube of bread that has been browned, either by sautéing or baking. Croutons are used to garnish soups, salads and other dishes. They're available packaged either plain or seasoned with herbs, cheese, garlic and so on.
Industry:Culinary arts
1. Noto anche con il nome di bicchierino o misurino, un jigger è un piccolo contenitore a forma di bicchiere che solitamente contiene circa 1,5 once ma può anche contenere una o due once. Viene di solito impiegato per misurare alcolici. 2. Il termine è anche usato per descrivere la quantità di liquido che tale misura contiene, come "un jigger di whiskey". Vedi anche "pony"; "shot".
Industry:Culinary arts
Pezzetto o cubetto di pane che è stato abbrustolito saltandolo oppure al forno. I crostini vengono impiegati come accompagnamento di minestre, insalate o altri piatti. Si trovano confezionati sia normali che insaporiti con erbe, formaggio, aglio e così via.
Industry:Culinary arts
A small cake made with flaky pastry, filled with a layer of almond paste topped with jam. A latticed pastry topping allows the colorful jam filling to peek through.
Industry:Culinary arts
In Italy, cheese made from sheep's milk is known as pecorino. Most of these cheeses are aged and classified as grana (hard, granular and sharply flavored); however, the young, unaged Ricotta pecorino is soft, white and mild in flavor. Aged pecorinos range in color from white to pale yellow and have a sharp, pungent flavor. The best known of this genre is Pecorino Romano, which comes in large cylinders with a hard yellow rind and yellowish-white interior. Other notable pecorinos are Sardo, Siciliano and Toscano. These hard, dry cheeses are good for grating and are used mainly in cooking. They can be used in any recipe that calls for parmesan cheese, especially if a sharper flavor is desired. See also cheese.
Industry:Culinary arts
In Italia, il formaggio prodotto con il latte di pecora è noto come pecorino. La maggior parte di questi formaggi sono stagionati e classificati come grana (duro, granuloso e dal sapore intenso); comunque il tipo giovane, non stagionato, la ricotta di pecorino, è morbido, bianco e dal sapore dolce. I tipi di pecorino stagionati hanno un colore che varia dal bianco al giallino, con un sapore forte e pungente. Il tipo più noto tra questi è il pecorino romano che viene prodotto in forme grandi, dalla crosta dura gialla e con una pasta bianco-giallognola. Altri noti tipi di pecorino sono sardo, siciliano e toscano. Questi formaggi asciutti e duri sono l'ideale per essere grattugiati e vengono usati soprattutto in cucina. Possono essere impiegati in qualsiasi ricetta che richieda il parmigiano, in particolare se si desidera un sapore più accentuato. Vedere anche "formaggio".
Industry:Culinary arts
N. 1. A container, usually distinctively shaped, into which a food is placed in order to take on the shape of that container. Molds can range in size from tiny, individual candy-size molds to large pudding molds. The food (such as butter, chocolate, ice cream, aspic, pâté or a gelatin-based dessert) is poured or packed into the mold and then customarily refrigerated until it becomes firm enough to hold its shape. 2. The finished dish made in such a container. 3. Any of thousands of varieties of fungi that grow on food items such as bread, cheese, fruit and jam. Molds grow best when the food is acidic and the environment is warm, damp and dark, with some air circulation. Mold reproduces from its spores, which are carried through the air until they find the right food and environment to germinate. Most molds are simply nuisances that spoil food but are not harmful. Among the beneficial molds are those purposely nurtured to create wonderful blue cheeses like roquefort and stilton, and that which grows on the rind of camembert, providing its distinctive flavor. mold v. To form food into a distinctive shape either by hand-forming (as with a bread dough) or by pouring (as with aspic) into a decorative mold and chilling or freezing until firm.
Industry:Culinary arts