- Industria: Health care
- Number of terms: 8622
- Number of blossaries: 1
- Company Profile:
Процес пологів, починаючи з художньої скорочень матки м'язи, які відкриття шийки матки дозволити дитини до народження, і закінчуючи вигнання плаценти.
Perda de um embrião ou feto quer espontaneamente (aborto) quer de forma induzida (quando uma gravidez é interrompida artificialmente) antes das 20 semanas. Depois das 20 semanas, um feto que nasce espontaneamente é chamado nado-morto.
A sexually transmitted disease spread virally between male and female sex organ contact.
Sebuah penyakit menular seksual menyebar secara menular antara kontak organ seks laki-laki dan perempuan.
The scientific study of heredity. Genetics pertains to humans and all other organisms. So, for example, there is human genetics, mouse genetics, fruitfly genetics, etc.
Studi ilmiah hereditas. Genetika berkaitan dengan manusia dan semua organisme lain. Jadi, misalnya, ada genetika manusia, genetika tikus, genetika lalat buah, dll.
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Public Health Service, which is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services.