Transport Canada
Industria: Government
Number of terms: 8785
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Department of the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. Transport Canada is based in Ottawa, Ontario
Radar echoes caused by waves of the sea.
A radio station intended to determine only the direction of other stations by means of transmissions from the latter.
An area in which radar service may be provided.
The flight of a military aircraft maintaining a constant altitude above ground level (AGL) above the terrain or the highest obstacle. The altitude of the aircraft will constantly change with varying terrain and obstacles.
An area in which radar service may be provided.
The flight of a military aircraft maintaining a constant altitude above ground level (AGL) above the terrain or the highest obstacle. The altitude of the aircraft will constantly change with varying terrain and obstacles.
Airspace classified as: (a) Class F advisory (CYA), Class F restricted (CYR) or Class F danger (CYD), which can be controlled airspace, uncontrolled airspace or a combination of both; (b) military operations area (MOA), (below FL180 in the U.S.); (c) ATC-assigned airspace (Military Area) (ATCAA) (FL180 and above in the U.S.); (d) airspace restricted by NOTAM for forest fire aircraft operating restrictions; and (e) other airspace restricted by NOTAM to cover specific situations such as oil-well fires, disaster areas, etc.
L'observation de l'évolution des avions identifiés au radar, la navigation primaire qui est fournie par le pilote, dans lequel le contrôleur conserve et met en corrélation l'identité de l'avion avec la cible approprié ou le symbole cible affichée sur la portée du radar.
Airspace classified as: (a) Class F advisory (CYA), Class F restricted (CYR) or Class F danger (CYD), which can be controlled airspace, uncontrolled airspace or a combination of both; (b) military operations area (MOA), (below FL180 in the U.S.); (c) ATC-assigned airspace (Military Area) (ATCAA) (FL180 and above in the U.S.); (d) airspace restricted by NOTAM for forest fire aircraft operating restrictions; and (e) other airspace restricted by NOTAM to cover specific situations such as oil-well fires, disaster areas, etc.
The observation of the progress of radar-identified aircraft, the primary navigation of which is being provided by the pilot, wherein the controller retains and correlates the aircraft identity with the appropriate target or target symbol displayed on the radar scope.