- Industria: Government
- Number of terms: 15655
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
A U.S. Department of the Interior agency that oversees water resource management incuding the oversight and operation of numerous diversion, delivery, and storage projects the agency has built throughout the western United States for irrigation, water supply, and attendant hydroelectric power ...
Reclamation procedures for dam operating personnel to follow during emergency situations or unusual occurrences at a given dam to reduce potential for property damage and loss of life and to provide proper notification to downstream authorities. A formal plan of procedures designed to minimize an emergency situation or unusual occurrence at a given dam or reservoir. A set of Reclamation instructions and maps within the Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) that contain procedures to follow for an emergency situation or unusual occurrence at a given dam or reservoir. A formal plan of procedures to alleviate risk during construction of or after completion of a dam, or to reduce the consequences if conditions develop in which dam failure is likely or unpreventable. Also, a plan of action to be taken to reduce the potential for property damage and loss of life in an area affected by a dam failure or large flood.
A device which through electromagnetic induction transforms alternating electric energy in one circuit into energy of similar type on another circuit, commonly with altered values of voltage and current.
A device that controls the flow in a conduit, pipe, or tunnel without obstructing any portion of the waterway when in the fully open position. Structure or device for controlling the rate of flow into or from a canal or ditch. A movable, watertight barrier for the control of water in a waterway. See bear-trap gate, bulkhead gate, clam shell gate, coaster gate, crest gate, cylinder gate, drum gate, emergency gate, fixed-wheel gate, flap gate, flood gate, guard gate, high-pressure gate, jet-flow gate, outlet gate, paradox gate, radial gate, regulating gate, ring gate, ring- follower gate, ring seal gate, roller gate, skimmer gate, slide gate, sluice gate, stoney gate, tainter gate, tractor gate, vertical lift gate, or wicket gate.
A standby or auxiliary gate used when the normal means of water control is not available. The first gate in a series of flow controls, remaining open while downstream gates or valves are operating. See guard gate.
The distance, measured along the axis or centerline crest of the dam at the top level of the main body of the dam or of the roadway surface on the crest, from abutment contact to abutment contact exclusive of an abutment spillway; provided that, if the spillway lies wholly within the dam and not in any area especially excavated for the spillway, the length includes the spillway. The length along the top of a dam. This also includes the spillway, powerplant, navigation lock, fish pass, etc., where these form part of the length of the dam. If detached from the dam, these structures should not be included.
Electric service is traditionally provided on a bundled basis, meaning that generation, transmission, and distribution services are provided as a single package. By unbundling, the packaged offering of the various services that make up traditional utility service are separated into discreet, separately-priced components. An example would be selling electric power distribution as a separate service without including costs associated with power generation or transmission services. Unbundling could allow the customer to select a different supplier or source for each of the components required to obtain a product or service.
Also refered to as supercritical flow, rapid flow is distinguished from tranquil flow by a dimensionless number called the Froude number. If the Froude number is less than one, the flow is tranquil. If the Froude number is greater than one, the flow is rapid. If the Froude number is equal to one, the flow is critical. Surface waves can propagate only in the downstream direction. Control of rapid flow depth is always at the upstream end of the rapid flow region.
An activity designed to introduce, discuss, and update emergency planning documents, organization structure, or early warning system (EWS) component to familarize key personnel with the emergency procedures and their responsibilities. This may be through a lecture, panel discussion, or general discussion and can include visual presentations. This should involve all personnel with a role in the plan, problem, or procedure. It should also include a review of past cases, if any, for lessons learned.
* Drill - An activity designed to evaluate a single emergency response function. This involves an actual field response such as making contacts to check the information included in the communication directory. A drill's effectiveness lies in the focus on a single or relatively limited portion of the overall response system in order to evaluate and improve that function.
* Tabletop Exercise - An informal activity involving discussions of actions to be taken on described emergency situations. A tabletop exercise is done without time constraints, which allows the participants to practice emergency situation problem solving, evaluate plans and procedures, and to resolve questions of coordination and assignment of responsibilities. A series of messages are issued to participants in the exercise, and they respond verbally to the simulated incident in a nonstressful atmosphere. This exercise should involve management, key agency staff, and personnel from outside organizations as appropriate.
* Functional Exercise - An activity in which participants respond in a coordinated manner to a timed, simulated incident that parallels a real operational event as close as possible. This exercise is generally conducted in an emergency operations center or Incident Command Post, and messages are passed to the participants in written form by telephone, radio, FAX, computer, or other method of communication. The functional exercise uses information such as emergency plans, maps, charts, and other information available in a real event and creates stress by increasing the frequency of messages, intensity of activity, and complexity of decisions and/or requirements for coordination. It does not involve actual mobilization of emergency response forces in the field. Participants should include management, key agency staff, and personnel from outside organizations as appropriate.
* Full-Scale Exercise - An activity in which emergency preparedness officials respond in a coordinated manner to a timed, simulated incident but includes the mobilization of field personnel and resources and the actual movement of emergency workers, equipment, and resources required to demonstrate coordination and response capability. This exercise is intended to evaluate the entire emergency organization or its major parts in an interactive manner over a substantial period of time. It mobilizes emergency officials in an emergency operations center plus the activation of one or more emergency functions outside of the center. Reclamation will not generally conduct this level of exercise, but will participate in exercises conducted by others when our facilities are involved.
An electrical system for prevention of rust, corrosion, and pitting of metal surfaces which are in contact with water or soil. A low-voltage current is made to flow through a liquid (water) or a soil in contact with the metal in such a manner that the external electromotive force renders the metal structure cathodic. This concentrates corrosion on auxiliary anodic parts which are deliberately allowed to corrode instead of letting the structure corrode.
A vertical lateral-force-resisting element in a structure assigned to resist wind or earthquake generated lateral forces. Depending on detailing and transfer mechanisms, a shear wall can be load-bearing.