- Industria: Government
- Number of terms: 15655
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
A U.S. Department of the Interior agency that oversees water resource management incuding the oversight and operation of numerous diversion, delivery, and storage projects the agency has built throughout the western United States for irrigation, water supply, and attendant hydroelectric power ...
The flood used to design and/or modify a specific dam and its appurtenant works; particularly for sizing the spillway and outlet works, and for determining surcharge storage and height of dam requirements. The flood used for design of a safe structure. It may be the probable maximum flood (PMF), but in sparsely developed areas where judgment indicates minimal property damage and no probable loss of life, the IDF may be less than the PMF.
The maximum load that a generating unit, generating station, or other electrical apparatus can carry under specified conditions for a given period of time without exceeding approved limits of temperature and stress.
A closed channel to convey water through, around, or under a dam. Covered portion of spillway between the gate or crest structure and the terminal structure, where open channel flow and/or pressure flow conditions may exist. Portion of an outlet works between the intake structure and gate chamber and/or the control structure. Conduits are located beneath embankment dams and within concrete dams. Conduits are concrete lined or concrete/steel lined. A pipe, box, or horseshoe structure, or natural channel that is constructed by means of "cut and cover". A conduit can convey water or house other conduits or pipes.
An estimate used for determining the economic feasibility of a project, the probable sequence and cost for construction of a project, and as a guide in the choice between alternative locations or plans.
Available capacity of generating facilities synchronized to the interconnected electric system where it can be called upon for immediate use in response to system problems or sudden load changes.
Volume of water in a reservoir at normal water surface. The reservoir level that would be attained when the reservoir is fully utilized for all project purposes, including flood control.
Simple plants containing chlorophyll; most live submerged in water. Microscopic plants which contain chlorophyll and live floating or suspended in water. They also may be attached to structures, rocks or other submerged surfaces. They are food for fish and small aquatic animals. Excess algal growths can impart tastes and odors to potable water. Algae produce oxygen during sunlight hours and use oxygen during the night hours. Their biological activities appreciably affect the pH and dissolved oxygen of the water.
Medium-textured materials (usually silt or very fine sand) transported and deposited by wind action. These materials may be deposited in depths ranging from less than 1 foot to well over 100 feet.
Geographical areas delineated in inundation areas downstream from a dam (hazard generator) that define the potential area of impact and allow prioritizing evacuation activities based on proximity of the populations at risk to the hazard in terms of distance and floodwave travel times.
Emergency Evacuation Zone I - The emergency evacuation zone immediately below a dam and located on both sides of the river or stream. Generally, it is recommended that this zone extend to a distance equivalent to a combination of floodwave travel time of 0-15 minutes and/or a warning time of 0-4 hours, whichever is most conservative. May be labeled as immediate response zone, evacuation zone I, evacuation zone A, or other appropriate name.
Emergency Evacuation Zone II - The second emergency evacuation zone, beyond emergency evacuation zone I and also located on both sides of the river or stream. Generally, it is recommended that this zone extend to a distance using a combination of floodwave travel times of between 15-90 minutes and/or warning times of between 4-6 hours, whichever is most conservative. May be labeled as protective action zone, evacuation zone II, evacuation zone B, or other appropriate name.
Emergency Evacuation Zone III - The outermost emergency evacuation zone, extending beyond emergency evacuation zone II and also located on both sides of the river or stream. Its furthest point is that beyond which emergency planning and evacuation for a dam failure inundation would not be required under most conditions; where the floodwave would be attenuated; and beyond which the potential negative impacts on humans would be virtually eliminated. May be labeled as precautionary zone, evacuation zone III, evacuation zone C, or other appropriate name.
Географските зони, посочени в седиментен области по веригата от язовир (опасност генератор), които определят потенциалните зоната на удара и позволява дава приоритети евакуация дейности, основани на близостта на населението в риск за риска по отношение на разстояние и floodwave времето за пътуване. Спешна евакуация зона I - евакуацията зона непосредствено под язовир и разположено от двете страни на реката или поток. Като цяло, препоръчва се, че тази зона се разпростира на разстояние, съответства на комбинация от floodwave времето за пътуване от 0-15 минути или предупреждение за времето от 0-4 часа, което е най-Консервативната. Може да е означен като незабавна реакция зона, евакуация зона I, евакуация зона А или друго подходящо име. Спешна евакуация зона II - втората евакуацията зона, извън спешна евакуация зона I и също са разположени от двете страни на реката или поток. Като цяло, се препоръчва, че тази зона се разпростира на разстояние, като се използва комбинация от floodwave времето на пътуване, на между 15-90 минути и/или предупреждение времена на между 4-6 часа, в зависимост от най-Консервативната. Може да е означен като защитно действие зона, евакуация зона II, евакуация зона b или друго подходящо име. Спешна евакуация зона III - отдалечените евакуацията зона, простираща се отвъд евакуацията зона II и също така са разположени от двете страни на реката или поток. Си най-точка е, че след което аварийното планиране и евакуация за язовир грешка седиментен да не се изисква при повечето условия; където се приемат floodwave ще бъдат смекчени; и отвъд която потенциални негативни последици върху хората ще бъде елиминиран. Може да е означен като предпазни зона, евакуация зона III, евакуация зона c или друго подходящо име.