The Unicode Consortium
Industria: Computer; Software
Number of terms: 11048
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The Unicode Consortium or Unicode Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates the development of the Unicode standard. Its stated goal is to eventually enable computers to operate in all languages from around the world. The consortium develops and publishes a list of freely-available ...
The logical description of a process used to achieve a specified result involving Unicode characters. * This definition, as used in the Unicode Standard and other publications of the Unicode Consortium, is intentionally broad so as to allow precise logical description of required results, without constraining implementations to follow the precise steps of that logical description.
Industry:Computer; Software
A collection of files providing normative and informative Unicode character properties and mappings.
Industry:Computer; Software
A range of integers from 0 to 10FFFF16. * This particular range is defined for the codespace in the Unicode Standard. Other character encoding standards may use other codespaces.
Industry:Computer; Software
Tailorable text comparison mechanism used for searching, sorting, and matching Unicode strings. See Unicode Technical Standard #10, “Unicode Collation Algorithm.”
Industry:Computer; Software
The repository of locale data in XML format maintained by the Unicode Consortium. This repository provides information needed in the localization of software products into a wide variety of languages, supplying (among other things): date, time, number, and currency formats; sorting, searching, and matching information; and translated names for languages, territories, scripts, currencies, and time zones.
Industry:Computer; Software
The repository of locale data in XML format maintained by the Unicode Consortium. This repository provides information needed in the localization of software products into a wide variety of languages, supplying (among other things): date, time, number, and currency formats; sorting, searching, and matching information; and translated names for languages, territories, scripts, currencies, and time zones.
Industry:Computer; Software
A standards development organization creating widely-used specifications related to character encoding, as well as for software internationalization and localization. Major projects are the Unicode Standard and the Unicode Locales Project, which defines repositories of standardized data needed to develop software for particular regions and cultures. The Consortium was founded in 1991, and is headquartered in Mountain View, California. Its current members include major software corporations, governments, and academic institutions.
Industry:Computer; Software
A Unicode encoding form assigns each Unicode scalar value to a unique code unit sequence. The Unicode Standard defines three Unicode encoding forms: UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. * For historical reasons, the Unicode encoding forms are also referred to as Unicode (or UCS) transformation formats (UTF). That term is actually ambiguous between its usage for encoding forms and encoding schemes. * The mapping of the set of Unicode scalar values to the set of code unit sequences for a Unicode encoding form is one-to-one. This property guarantees that a reverse mapping can always be derived. Given the mapping of any Unicode scalar value to a particular code unit sequence for a given encoding form, one can derive the original Unicode scalar value unambiguously from that code unit sequence. * The mapping of the set of Unicode scalar values to the set of code unit sequences for a Unicode encoding form is not onto. In other words, for any given encoding form, there exist code unit sequences that have no associated Unicode scalar value. * To ensure that the mapping for a Unicode encoding form is one-to-one, all Unicode scalar values, including those corresponding to noncharacter code points and unassigned code points, must be mapped to unique code unit sequences. Note that this requirement does not extend to high-surrogate and low-surrogate code points, which are excluded by definition from the set of Unicode scalar values.
Industry:Computer; Software
A specified byte serialization for a Unicode encoding form, including the specification of the handling of a byte order mark (BOM), if allowed. * For historical reasons, the Unicode encoding schemes are also referred to as Unicode (or UCS) transformation formats (UTF). That term is, however, ambiguous between its usage for encoding forms and encoding schemes.
Industry:Computer; Software
The XML specification for the exchange of locale data, defined by Unicode Technical Standard #35, "Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)." (See also Unicode Common Locale Data Repository.)
Industry:Computer; Software