University of Michigan
Industria: Education
Number of terms: 31274
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
An amount, usually of money, conveyed by one to another in the expectation that it will be returned, perhaps with specified interest, at a later date. When the lender and borrower are in different countries with separate monetary and legal systems, loans bear extra risk.
An allocation that by some criterion is better than all those in its neighborhood.
A particular mathematical transformation often used to express economic variables. Advantages: 1) If a variable grows at a constant percentage rate over time, the graph of its logarithm is a straight line. 2) A small change in the logarithm of a variable is approximately its percentage change.
An agreement originally signed in 1975 committing the EU to programs of assistance and preferential treatment for the ACP Countries. The Lomé Convention was replaced by the Cotonou Agreement in June 2000.
A company that handles the trading of the stocks of around 3000 companies from over 70 countries.
An agreement reached in 1987 among the central banks of France, Germany, Japan, US, and UK to stop the decline in the value of the US dollar that they had initiated at the Plaza Accord.
A measure of the stock of money in an economy that includes, in addition to all that is in M1, savings deposits and other relatively liquid assets such as small certificates of deposit and money market mutual funds.
A tariff set so as to raise the price of an imported good to the level of the domestic price, so as to leave domestic producers unaffected. Also called a scientific tariff.
A company in another country more than 50% of which is owned by a domestic person or company; thus one form of foreign direct investment.
A requirement by government that importing firms engage in countertrade, as a means of increasing exports.