- Industria:
- Number of terms: 14663
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Varian Medical Systems, Inc., headquartered globally in Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics ...
A kV irradiation mode where the kV source is pulsed at regular intervals rather than continuously irradiating.
Industry:Medical devices
A copper hook with an insulated handle provided with Clinac radio-therapy treatment units that may be used to discharge the PFN and other high voltage capacitors safely prior to performing any maintenance activity. The shorting stick is left hanging in pl.
Industry:Medical devices
The use of two independent dosimeter systems to measure the integrated dose. The primary channel is programmed to terminate the beam at the dose set by the operator. If the beam continues, the secondary channel is programmed to terminate the beam at a pre.
Industry:Medical devices
A line connecting points of equal absorbed dose in a radiation field.
Industry:Medical devices
OSP müşteriler üç türü vardır: temel (terapist), orta (fizikçi) ve (Servis teknisyenleri) gelişmiş.
Industry:Medical devices
Either of the recessed pads on which the base frames for the Stand/Gantry and the Couch rest.
Industry:Medical devices
KV kaynağı yerine sürekli olarak irradiating darbeli düzenli aralıklarla nerede kV ışınlama modu.
Industry:Medical devices
PFN ve güvenli bir şekilde herhangi bir bakım etkinliği gerçekleştirmeden önce diğer yüksek gerilim kondansatör deşarj için kullanılabilir Clinac radyo terapi tedavi üniteleri ile sağlanan bir yalıtılmış saplı bakır bir kanca. Kısaltma sopa pl içinde asılı bırakılır.
Industry:Medical devices
There are three types of OSP customers: basic (therapists), intermediate (physicists), and advanced (service technicians).
Industry:Medical devices