Inicio > Categorías > Agricultura


The practice of cultivating soil, crops, and livestock and the preparation or marketing of those products.The practice of cultivating soil, crops, and livestock and the preparation or marketing of those products.

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Contribuidores con Agricultura

Agricultura > Agricultura general

pescados y mariscos

Agricultura; Agricultura general

Edible aquatic (freshwater or marine) organisms such as fish, shellfish, or seaweed that is used as food.

alimentos de origen animal

Agricultura; Agricultura general

alimentos procedentes de fuentes animales.

alimentos orgánicos

Agricultura; Agricultura general

Organic food is produced without: antibiotics; growth hormones; most conventional pesticides; petroleum- based fertilizers or sewage sludge-based fertilizers; bioengineering; or ...

alimentos enriquecidos

Agricultura; Agricultura general

Foods which contain a higher nutrient content above natural levels because of the addition of nutrients during processing.

alimentos enriquecidos

Agricultura; Agricultura general

Foods to which nutrients were added in order to replace losses of the nutrient that occured during processing.

alimentos funcionales

Agricultura; Agricultura general

Alimentos que se consideran, por naturaleza o fabricación, contienen niveles significativos de componentes biológicamente activos que proporcionan beneficios para la salud ...

alimentos instantáneos

Agricultura; Agricultura general

Alimentos en forma seca que están listos para comer con la adición de agua.