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What animal gives birth to its young with the male member of the family?

I've only heard of female giving birth to the young. However, my boy says there is one male animal that gives birth to their offspring.
  • Industria/ámbito: Animales
  • Categoría: Pescado
  • Created: 07:26, 24 April 2011

Respuestas (2)

Robert Derbyshire

Yes, it is the seahorse, although it isn't entirely correct to say it 'gives birth'. The female seahorse will lay her eggs in a brood pouch on the male's belly, where they will stay until they hatch. Thinking about it, this is quite similar to penguins, who where the males will keep the eggs in their belly-pouch through the winter, until they hatch.

22:32, 24 April 2011


I think it's sea horses.

14:26, 24 April 2011

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