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Why locked?

Why are there so many terms locked for translation, especially those with shorter definitions? Who did?
  • Industria/ámbito: Educación
  • Categoría:
  • Created: 04:54, 3 July 2012

Respuestas (2)


Hi , Welcome to TermWiki!

14:23, 14 August 2013


Hi Leon, the reason that terms with short definitions are locked is that we hope to gradually improve the quality of content on TermWiki. The goal is to make TermWiki useful for everyone in the long term. Unfortunately, there are some terms in the system already that have very short definitions. All these terms will be improved to ensure the definitions are complete. This is why the system has to lock terms with short definitions so the issue doesn't continue to spread.

20:00, 3 July 2012


Hi Leon, Welcome to TermWiki!

04:25, 5 July 2012


I am new here, so I bothered your for this. Now I got to see the light of it. Thanks for your patience to answer me.

04:23, 4 July 2012

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