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Interdisciplinary science that overlaps with geochemistry, geology, astronomy, astrophysics, and geophysics to discover the materials and fundamental processes in the solar nebula and our Solar System. These sciences give us complementary ways of looking at our origins by addressing questions like, How did the Sun and planets form? Where did we come from? Cosmochemistry, because it is a careful examination of the building blocks of the cosmos, also plays an important role in developing local resources on the Moon, Mars, and asteroids, essential to sustained human presence in space.

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Industria/ámbito: Ropa Categoría: Abrigos y chaquetas

Mao odelo

Jednostavna plava jakna sa dugmadima na sredini i nekoliko prednjih džepova. Mao ojelo je zapravo prvobitno nosio Sun Yatsen, ali je postalo povezano ...

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