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An animal with four limbs that evolved from a common fish ancestor during the Devonian Period (~365 million years ago). Tetrapods include amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Though "tetrapod" literally translates to "four-footed," many animals in this group have limbs adapted for different modes of transportation. Humans walk upright on two legs; the legs of whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals have evolved into fins and flippers; and snakes have lost their legs all together. Tetrapods are generally thought of as terrestrial animals, but some, like dolphins and whales, have returned to marine habitats.

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Industria/ámbito: Medio natural Categoría: Terremoto


Un término japonés que se aöplica a grandes olas oceánicas causadas ​​por movimientos en el fondo del mar relacionados con un terremoto o una erupción ...