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Carreras profesionales

Relating ot he various professional career paths or positions that exist.

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Carreras profesionales > Ventas

beneficio marginal

Carreras profesionales; Ventas

The change in the total profit that results from the sale of an additional unit.

coste marginal

Carreras profesionales; Ventas

The change in total cost that results from producing an additional unit.

ingreso marginal

Carreras profesionales; Ventas

The change in total revenue that results from selling an additional unit.


Carreras profesionales; Ventas

The collection and processing of used materials for reuse.

anunciante (comprador)

Carreras profesionales; Ventas

La empresa que compra el producto desde el distribuidor a utilizar como herramienta de promoción.

líder del mercado

Carreras profesionales; Ventas

La empresa cuyos productos mantenga la mayor cuota de mercado.

ventaja competitiva sostenible

Carreras profesionales; Ventas

The competitive edge sought by a firm which will allow it to satisfy customer needs while maintaining an advantage over its rivals because of the uniqueness of its products or its ...