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Architecture contemporaine

Of or pertaining to the building style of the present day. Not to be confused with modern architecture which refers to the building style of the early to mid-20th century.

Contribuidores con Arquitectura contemporánea

Architecture contemporaine


Arquitectura; Arquitectura contemporánea

Receso semicircular cubierto con bóveda semiesférica o semi de la bóveda.


Arquitectura; Arquitectura contemporánea

Un receso arco utilizado como un lugar del entierro en una catacumba


Arquitectura; Arquitectura contemporánea

A builder specialised in making roofs, footings and outer weatherproof skin, as found on most domestic architecture.

invitación a la licitación

Arquitectura; Arquitectura contemporánea

procedimiento especial para la generación de ofertas competidoras de pujadores distintos buscan para obtener un premio de la actividad empresarial de arquitectura, diseño, urbanismo o paisajismo.


Arquitectura; Arquitectura contemporánea

Coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. In many cases coatings are applied to improve surface properties of the substrate, such as ...


Arquitectura; Arquitectura contemporánea

In many domestic and industrial buildings a slab, supported on foundations or directly on the sub soil, is used to construct the ground floor of a building


Arquitectura; Arquitectura contemporánea

Estructuras donde se ajojan las personas, de modo individual o colectivo.

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