Inicio > Categorías > Animales > Cats


Any member of the family Felidae, including the domestic cat, Felis catus, and many non-domestic species.

Contribuidores con Gatos



Animales; Gatos

An alternative form of veterinary care which, rather than focusing on a singular disease, takes into account the whole of the patient.

entrenamiento doméstico

Animales; Gatos

The process of training a pet to live cleanly in a house. For cats, litter box training.

colector de gatos

Animales; Gatos

Una persona que adquiere y gran cantidad de las hordas de los gatos. A menudo un término despectivo que sugiere cuidado incorrecto.


Animales; Gatos

An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.


Animales; Gatos

Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus.


Animales; Gatos

Opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causing impairment of vision or blindness


Animales; Gatos

Un término referido a las manchas blancas en el pelaje.

Glosarios destacados

Best Zoo in the World

Categoría: Animales   2 8 Términos


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