Contribuidores con Frutas



Frutas y verduras; Frutas

Una especie de fruta de arbusto de hoja caduca o árbol pequeño que alcanza entre cinco y ocho metros de altura.


Frutas y verduras; Frutas

A cherry-like fruit from a small tree in the West Indies and adjacent areas. This fruit contains a high concentration of vitamin C. Also called "Barbados cherry" and "Puerto Rican cherry."

calabaza del verano

Frutas y verduras; Frutas

El fruto de varios miembros de la familia de la calabaza. Calabaza de verano tiene una piel fina comestible, las semillas suaves, alto contenido de agua y un sabor suave.


Frutas y verduras; Frutas

The yellow to deep red, cherry-like fruit of a Brazilian tree of the myrtle family. These fruit, which are now grown in the U.S., are slightly acid and are eaten out-of-hand and used in jams and ...


Frutas y verduras; Frutas

Also known as "Sugar Apple," this is the sweet pulpy fruit of a tropical American tree. The skin of this heart-shaped fruit is sweet and custard-like. It is similar in flavor to a mild cherimoya. ...


Frutas y verduras; Frutas

Cultivated in temperate zones throughout the world for at least 3,000 years, there are now thousands of varieties of this popular member of the rose family.


Frutas y verduras; Frutas

Un pariente del melocotón, esta fruta se ha cultivado en China desde el 2.000 A.C. el 90% de la cosecha estadounidense proviene de California. Seleccione fruta regordeta, relativamente firme con un ...

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