Inicio > Categorías > Banca > Investment banking

Investment banking

Of or relating to the business of underwriting, or acting as the client's agent, in the issuance of securities in order to assist an individual, commercial enterprise, corporation or government instution ro raise capital.

Contribuidores con Banca de inversión

Investment banking

valor de reposición

Banca; Banca de inversión

Price that the bank would have to pay on the market in order to conclude an equivalent replacement transaction if a counterparty were to pull out. The current replacement value of a contract is the ...

condiciones generales de los negocios

Banca; Banca de inversión

Los principios y directrices que rigen las relaciones de negocios. Son parte integrante de los contratos celebrados entre una empresa (por ejemplo un banco) y cualquiera de los numerosos socios ...

saldo de la cuenta

Banca; Banca de inversión

A summary in writing of all account transactions within a given period. Depending on the type of account, interest is calculated on a monthly to yearly basis. Can also be accessed online.

sociedad de préstamos personales

Banca; Banca de inversión

Credit institution specializing in granting personal or consumer loans and financing instalment purchasing (hire purchase in UK).


Banca; Banca de inversión

A supplement or appendix attached to a document (deed, bill of exchange, registered share) which can be used for endorsements.

línea de crédito

Banca; Banca de inversión

Sinónimo de línea de crédito.

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