Contribuidores con Películas



Entretenimiento; Películas

Also Known As: Genny, Genny Operator. A mechanical engine which produces electricity from fuel (usually diesel). Frequently used for location shooting, either due to the unavailability or ...


Entretenimiento; Películas

Un guión escrito para ser producido para la televisión.


Entretenimiento; Películas

Se llama acción durante la filmación para indicar el inicio de la toma de corriente. Véase también corte, velocidad, cerrar el trato.


Entretenimiento; Películas

Also Known As: Actress. A person who plays the role of a character. Historically, the term "Actor" refered exclusively to males, but in modern times the term is used for both genders. Factual ...

Cámara Adicional

Entretenimiento; Películas

Also Known As: B Camera. An extra camera operator, often needed for complicated action sequences or stunts. Contrast with additional photography.

Fotografía adicional

Entretenimiento; Películas

Also Known As: Additional Photographer, Reshoots, Reshooting, Pickups. Focus group or studio reaction to some shots or scenes may be bad enough to convince the filmmakers to discard them. In some ...

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