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уыттау үрдісі

As has been stated above, the process of malting converts the plain barley grain into malted barley and by so doing greatly changes its chemical makeup. The barley is first soaked for between 48 and 72 hours in tanks or 'steeps' and allowed to germinate. Germination releases heat which has to be controlled in order to keep the temperature around 60 deg F/16 deg C and avoid the barley killing itself from its own generated heat. Traditionally the malting barley was drained and spread out over a large floor then turned regularly by hand with rakes or shovels. This was repetitious and arduous work, leading sometimes to a repetitive-strain injury called "monkey shoulder".

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Industria/ámbito: Productos de cuidado personal Categoría: Maquillaje

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Usually a peachy or pinkish highlighter used to create natural rosy cheeks. Applied properly, blush can create a refreshed and energetic look.